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Breech positions

Heads Up! My baby is breech!

First of all – breathe.  It’s going to be ok.  You have options.

If your baby is in the breech (heads up) position, you may not receive all of the information available for you to make decisions in your care.  Most providers are only comfortable with cesarean sections for these babies, and other providers refer their families to doctors who will then perform a cesarean section. There is research supporting vaginal breech birth and there are obstetricians in a few countries leading the way in showing successful vaginal breech birth under certain guidelines and screening criteria. Midwives continue to practice the art and science of vaginal breech birth in the upright position as they have forever.  The Third International Heads Up Breech Birth Conference in 2012 was in Washington, DC and I was the co-Chair. Providers from around the world presented efforts in supporting vaginal breech birth, with research being done supporting such.  If your provider will not attend you for a vaginal birth, there are other providers.


I am available for consultation with ways to turn the baby if the baby can do so and regarding vaginal breech birth.  I have resources available that most providers do not have for breech baby families.  I also do hypnotherapy for breech turning.


If you would like more information about vaginal breech birth options, email me.  Here are also some resources:

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